2024 Year-End Giving Deadlines

North Texas Community Foundation works to ensure that your donations make the greatest impact on the causes you care about while maximizing your tax-saving benefits. Our team is here and ready to create smart solutions for your year-end giving.

So that we can provide the best possible service and ensure charitable gifts qualify for a charitable income tax deduction in the 2024 tax year, please keep these important dates in mind:

Monday, December 9, 2024
Deadline for grant recommendations made through My NTCF Fund in order to be received by the recipient by December 31. The minimum grant amount is $250.

Friday, December 13, 2024
Gifts of appreciated stock should be initiated in order to be received by December 31.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Ensure wire transfers are initiated.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Checks must be postmarked. Cash and credit card donations must be received by noon.

Please contact us if you need our wiring and stock delivery information.

Please note that new funds may be opened immediately upon receipt of both a fully executed fund agreement and a cash or non-cash donation.


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Together, we can cultivate a more vibrant and resilient community where all North Texans can thrive.