Planned Giving
When you partner with North Texas Community Foundation, you are helping your clients build a legacy and shape the future. NTCF works alongside you to provide planned giving options that ensure a lasting charitable impact for your clients’ favorite charities, all while maximizing tax benefits for their estate.
Giving Options
By naming North Texas Community Foundation in their will or trust, your clients can achieve philanthropic intent and maximize tax benefits. The provision for an estate gift may be a percentage of the estate, a specific dollar amount or a remainder after other bequests, debts and expenses are paid. Charitable bequests reduce the size of the estate and, potentially, the amount subject to estate taxes.
Ideal for clients with appreciated assets, including real estate and securities, CRTs have the potential to generate lifetime income and maximize tax benefits for those who create them. Naming North Texas Community Foundation as the beneficiary of the remainder trust allows your client to leave a lasting gift to their favorite causes.
Life insurance can be used as a charitable tax deduction based on the current value of the policy. Your clients can gain valuable tax savings benefits by naming the North Texas Community Foundation the beneficiary of part or all of the insurance proceeds.
Because they are heavily taxed, retirement fund assets from qualified plans or IRAs can be a tax-smart part of your client’s estate planning strategy. Donating these assets directly to the Community Foundation can reduce income and estate tax, potentially minimizing the burden for heirs.
Have Questions? Let's Chat.
Together, we can maximize the benefit and impact of your client’s gift to improve the growth potential of their contribution over time.

Amanda Lewis
Director of Charitable Gift Planning