Q&A: Celebrating Black Philanthropy Month

August is Black Philanthropy Month, highlighting the legacy and contributions of Black philanthropists who empower their communities. This month, we are honored to spotlight a few of the voices and experiences of Black individuals who help drive our mission forward.

In this Q&A, we sit down with: Jevon Shaw, product owner at GM Financial and a NTCF fundholder; Dr. Whitnee Boyd, director of community impact at NTCF; and Horatio Porter, chief financial officer at North Texas Tollway Authority and a member of the Foundation’s board of directors. Together, they share their insights on giving, the importance of philanthropy and the power of community.

What inspires you to give back?

Jevon: I am inspired to give back by the things I saw as a teacher. Opportunity is not equally distributed.

Whitnee: Giving back is innate to my being. I grew up in a home with servant leaders as parents. My dad is a pastor and my mother is a high school guidance counselor. I connect giving back to living out purpose and my way of remaining grounded in who I am and who I was raised to be.

Horatio: I give back simply because so many people generously invested in me. I am the beneficiary of amazing kindness and I have a duty to share my time, talent and treasure with others.

In your opinion, what role does philanthropy play in building stronger communities?

Whitnee: From my seat and perspective, I see philanthropy as a bridge builder between people, ideas, and solutions that include access to resources. I will always advocate for the importance of philanthropy being keenly aware of and willing to invest in the people who are working each day to build healthy communities across our city. Philanthropy has a responsibility to invest in meaningful ways that will positively impact the lives of those with the greatest need in our community.

Horatio: Philanthropy like water is vitally important to building stronger communities. Innovative ideas, essential programs, or even policy initiatives are great seeds but can’t flourish without the generosity of others.

Jevon, as a Community Foundation fundholder what causes do you focus on and why are they important to you?

Jevon: I love education. I believe it truly is the great equalizer. It can lift out of poverty, heal emotional wounds, and guide a person on the correct path for his or her life. Plus, I taught for three years, and it shaped me as both a person and specifically as a man.

What does community mean to you?

Jevon: Community is your tribe. It means going somewhere other than school or work where people know your name.

Whitnee: For me building community is what makes a place feel like home. It’s the people I see working each day to ensure their neighbor and those around them are cared for and appreciated. It’s the people willing to use their voice and agency to be fierce agents for change. Finding and connecting with the community is what has made Fort Worth a place I desire to call home.

Horatio, what motivated you to join the board of the Community Foundation and support philanthropic efforts?

Horatio: All of the above!! The Community Foundation serves as conduit of greatness, marshaling the generosity of great individuals and directing resources to great programs and efforts to build great communities

What advice would you like to share with others about the importance of giving?

Jevon: Giving releases the fierce hold that money has on some of us. The almighty dollar is not so mighty if you have no support around you.

Whitnee: I am a firm believer in giving. In order to build strong cities and communities, we need people who are willing to give of their time, talent, and/or treasure. It takes all three to drive and sustain this work. Here at NTCF we are fortunate to work with non-profit and community leaders and donors who understand the vital nature of all three.

Horatio: Giving ensures the continued restoration and development of people. Restored and developed people positively impact the world.

Whitnee, as Director of Community Impact you lead the Foundation’s grant cycles. How can the community get involved in philanthropy?

Whitnee: Community is at the core of what we do. Philanthropy has to be driven by community, which is what makes our work at the Foundation special. It is a place of connection, where we can center community voice across generations and backgrounds, while driving resources to help support those implementing solutions and addressing needs. We are also positioned to offer insight and support to our generous donors who care about the needs of our community and want to ensure they respond by utilizing their resources. I like to think that we are bridge builders who understand the importance of curating and convening spaces for collaboration, transformation, and innovation.


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